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A Comprehensive Guide to Setting up Salesforce and Jira Integration

by Mudit Garg on Apr 08, 2020

The integration of tools is not a new topic. It’s been practiced for years by companies worldwide. The aim of integrating tools is to reduce siloed interactions among teams, simplify complex workflows, and improve cross-functional collaboration.

Salesforce and Jira integration is no different. The only difference is that it has also evolved over the years. Earlier, it was limited to collaboration between customer support and engineering teams but not anymore.

However, not everyone is aware of all the benefits that a Salesforce and Jira integration offers.

That’s why there are still people who ask why integrate Salesforce and Jira, what value does it add, and how to integrate Salesforce and Jira. However, the information on this topic is so scattered that it becomes hard to stay updated.

So, in this blog post, we have compiled every important aspect of a Salesforce and Jira integration. Let’s get started.


1. Why integrate Salesforce and Jira

As we mentioned earlier, the aim of integrating Salesforce and Jira is to simplify business workflows and improve collaboration among different teams.

Salesforce and Jira integration is no longer just limited to support and engineering teams. Marketing, Community, Legal, Product, Business System, and Sales teams can now also benefit from the integration.

If your organization is heavily invested in Salesforce and Jira systems, integrating both the tools can help you establish organizational synergy.

2. Challenges in Salesforce and Jira integration

No integration is without its challenges. Some of the top challenges involved are:

  • Ensuring no workflows are impacted by the integration unless necessary
  • Ascertaining no data is lost in the integration process
  • Ensuring error-free integration workflows

Now, let’s come to the million-dollar question – How can one integrate Salesforce and Jira?

3. How to integrate Salesforce and Jira

Well, both are two very different tools so the only way to integrate is by integrating their APIs. Now, APIs of both tools can be integrated via two means:

Via coding
Via a connector

But how would you know which one is the best suited for you? Well, you can refer to our crisp infographic for a detailed analysis of this – Delineating Salesforce and Jira Integration.

4. How to set up Salesforce and Jira integration?

Setting up a Salesforce and Jira integration needs a keen eye for detail. So, we have drafted an eBook that covers every detail of this integration, along with screenshots.

In this eBook, you will get answers to everything about Salesforce-Jira integration from what it is to why to integrate, teams affected by it, choosing the right way to integrate, and setting up Salesforce and Jira integration.

If you want a one-stop destination for every detail about integrating Salesforce and Jira, this eBook is your guide.

Download your copy from here – Setting Up Salesforce Service Cloud & Jira Integration

Looking for a connector to integrate Salesforce and Jira that can band together with your business processes?

Sinergify is a next-gen solution for integrating Salesforce and Jira. Its scalability and customizability make it the right connector to align with your unique business processes and needs. Watch it in action in an exclusive demo session for you. Schedule your demo session here.

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